vrijdag, september 23, 2011

Toorts bij het kanaal

Nog eens een dagje in mijn woonomgeving van lang geleden geweest, bij het kanaal tussen Turnhout en Ravels wandelde ik vroeger veel. Bij de oude kleiputten wemelde het 10 jaar geleden van de bijzondere planten. veel tweejarigen zoals slangenkruid, toorts en wouw en zelfs duizendguldenkruid groeide hier weelderig.
Vandaag ben ik er nog even gestopt en wat rond gekeken, de vervallen steenbakkerij is vervangen door een rommelig industrieterrein en de bijzondere planten lijken grotendeels verdwenen, toch vond ik nog, als troost, één uitbundig bloeiende toorts, waarschijnlijk de stalkaars of de keizerskaars.

Lees ook: http://mens-en-gezondheid.infonu.nl/alternatief/26999-koningskaars-voor-de-keel.html

Great Mullein has been used since ancient times as a remedy for skin, throat and breathing ailments. It has long had a medicinal reputation, especially as an astringent and emollient. It contains mucilage, several saponins,coumarin and glycosides. Dioscorides recommended it for diseases of the lung and it is nowadays widely available in health and herbal stores. Non-medical uses have included dyeing and making torches.

Dioscorides first recommended the plant 2000 years ago, against pulmonary diseases, and this has remained one of its primary uses, especially against cough. Leaf decoctions or herbal teas were used for expectoration, consumption, dry cough, bronchitis, sore throat and hemorrhoids. Leaves were also smoked against pulmonary ailments, a tradition that in America was rapidly transmitted to Native American peoples. They used the non-indigenous plant to make syrups against croup. The combination of expectorant saponins and emollient mucilage makes the plant particularly effective for cough. All preparations meant to be drunk have to be finely filtered to eliminate the irritating hairs.

Oil from the flowers was used against catarrhs, colics and, in Germany, earaches, frostbite, eczema and other external conditions. Topical application of various V. thapsus-based preparations was recommended for the treatment of warts, boils, carbuncles, hemorrhoids, and chilblains, amongst others. Recent studies have found that Great Mullein contains glycyrrhizin compounds with bactericide and potential anti-tumoral action. These compounds are concentrated in the flowers. Different extracts have varying levels of efficiency against bacterias. In Germany, a governmental commission sanctioned medicinal use of the plant for catarrhs. It was also part of the National Formulary in the United States and United Kingdom. The plant's leaves, in addition to the seeds, have been reported to contain rotenone, although quantities are unknown.

Like many ancient medicinal plants (Pliny the Elder describes it in his Naturalis Historia), Great Mullein was linked to witches, although the relationship remained generally ambiguous, and the plant was also widely held to ward off curses and evil spirits.The seeds contain several compounds (saponins, glycosides, coumarin, rotenone) that cause breathing problems in fish, and have been widely used as piscicide for fishing.

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