In France it is the most exploited algae, and most volume is used for alginate processing. The harvesting period runs from May to October with boats equipped with an hydraulic arm called a “ Scoubidou ”, rotating and picking up the Laminaria.
Called Kombu in Japan where it is currently eaten, its high Iodine content limits it’s use for human consumption. Laminaria is used in thalassotherapy more particulary for body wraps.
an choirleach, anguillier, Atlantic kombu, bezhin bleuñv, bezhin siliou, bezhin sklej, bezhin stonn, bezhin warle, Braggair, cholgorn, coirleach, coirrleach, common kelp, cupóga, feamannach dubh, fingered tangle, Fingertang, Fingertäng, Fingertare, foetoù-traezh, fouet de sorcière, gladgesteeld, vingerwier, goazle, goémon de coupe, grac'hle, gwaskle, gwrac’hle, horsetail kelp, kaol, kaolenn, kelp, kombu, Kombu Breton, konbu, korle, laminaire digitée, laminaire flexible, learach, leath, leathach fada, leathrach, liadhaig, melkern, oarweed, oarweed kelp, ouarle, red ware, red wrack, salkorn, sea girdle, sea girdles, sea tangle, sea wand, sea-girdles, silketare, taangel, tali, tali du, tali gwrac'hle, tali laezh, tali moan, tali warle, taly, tangle, Thöngull, vingerwier, warle