Spinaziezuring (Rumex patienta), Zuring, Klaverzuring (Oxalis), Knolkers (Tropaeolum tuberosum), Brave hendrik (Chenopodium bonus henricus), Zeekool (Crambe maritima) en Crosne (Stachys sieboldii). Het zijn veelal ook vaste planten, die niet alleen eetbaar zijn maar ook nog andere verborgen eigenschappen bezitten.
Neem nu de knolkers of Mashua, familielid van de Oost-Indische kers, de gekrulde knollen zijn peperig scherp maar wel wat bitter. De smaak wordt beter na een vorstperiode of na koken. De plant is afkomstig uit de Andes, waar ze een 'slechte' reputatie heeft, omdat de knollen de seksuele goesting zouden verminderen.
In een wetenschappelijk onderzoek blijken de knollen bij ratten wel het aantal spermacellen te verminderen maar niet het gehalte aan testosteron.

Mashua-treated rats showed a reduction in testicular spermatid number and DSP from day 12 to day 42; meanwhile, the effect of mashua was noted in epididymal sperm count after 12 and 42 days of treatment. In addition, epididymal sperm transit time was delayed at day 7 and it was accelerated on days 12 and 21 of treatment. No differences in serum testosterone levels were found between rats treated with vehicle and mashua after 42 days of treatment. Finally, mashua reduces testicular function after one spermatogenic cycle by reducing spermatid and sperm number, DSP and epididymal sperm transit time.
Tubers - cooked. A peppery flavour, it is rather unpleasant to many tastes. The flavour can be improved somewhat by freezing the tubers after they have been cooked, they are then considered to be a delicacy by many people[183]. We have also noticed an improvement in the flavour if the tubers are harvested after they have been frosted, though if the frost is too heavy they can damage the tubers. Other reports suggest half-drying the tubers before use. The tubers can be up to 10cm long and 5cm thick. They are high in vitamin C. The dried tuber contains up to 16% protein. Leaves - raw or cooked as a vegetable. Flowers - raw.
The tuber is considered to be an anaphrodisiac in the Andes, reducing sexual desire. Many men, therefore, refuse to eat it. Clinical trials have indicated a reduction of up to 45% in some male hormones when the tuber forms a considerable part of the diet, but no loss in fertility has been observed.
The growing plant is very resistant to diseases and insects, it contains nematocidal, bactericidal and insecticidal compounds.. (Popenoe. H. et al Lost Crops of the Incas)