Het is nu wel dé oogsttijd voor heel wat geneeskrachtige kruiden.Vooral bloemen en bloesems moeten nu geplukt worden. Om de voornaamste te noemen: echte kamille, korenbloem, vlierbloesem en vele soorten geurende rozen.
Over de echte kamille / Matricaria recutita
Schijfkamille, niet te gebruiken |
kamillesiroop |
Het zijn hoofdzakelijk de bloemen die in juni, tijdens het begin van de bloei geplukt worden. Bij de inzameling in het wild moet worden gelet op verwisseling met andere, er op gelijkende composieten als Anthemis arvensis L., valse kamille; Anthemis cotula L., stinkende kamille (allebei met stroschubben en een gevulde bloembodem). Ook Matricaria maritima L., zeekamille; Matricaria perforata L. [M. inodora L. = Tripleurospermum inodorum (L.) Schultz Bip.], de reukloze kamille, waarvan de bloemen een pappus hebben (ook deze beide soorten hebben een gevulde bloembodem en geuren niet). Verder is er ook nog Matricaria discoidea DC = M. suaveolens Buch], de schijfkamille (een soort zonder lintbloemen, met gele vier-tandige buisbloemen; deze plant geurt wel en heeft ook een holle bloembodem zoals de echte kamille, maar geen witte lintbloemen. Al deze planten leveren ook een vluchtige olie maar zonder azuleen, een van de werkzame stoffen van de echte kamille.
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Hier wat professionele info over de bacteriedodende werking van Matricaria zoals beschreven in de monografie van Natural Standard http://www.naturalstandard.com/

Antimicrobial effects: Antimicrobial activity of chamomile has been studied in vitro and the results have been encouraging; however, human data remains lacking. Chamomile oil is actively antibacterial and fungicidal at concentrations of at least 25mg/mL, as is the chamomile constituent bisabolol at concentrations of at least 1mg/mL. Alpha-Bisabolol, luteolin, quercitin, and apeginin have been theorized to possess antibacterial properties. The coumarin constituent, hernearin, may also have antibacterial and antifungal properties in the presence of ultraviolet light. High molecular weight polysaccharides with immunostimulating activity have been isolated from German chamomile. Two such studies demonstrated that gram-positive bacteria were more susceptible than gram-negative bacteria to chamomile oil. It was most effective against Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus mutans, and Streptococcus salivarius; with also Bacillus megatherium, Leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae, and Trichomonocidal bactericidal activity. It was also found to be somewhat effective as a fungicidal against Candida albicans. Concentrated chamomile extracts also inhibited the growth of several strains of fungi. The hydro-alcoholic extract of chamomile completely inhibited growth of group B Streptococcus. Two additional in vitro studies showed that chamomile blocked the aggregation of Helicobacter pylori and numerous strains of Escherichia coli. Methanol extracts of Matricaria recutita flowers had a MIC >100mcg/mL against 15 Helicobacter pylori strains in vitro. Chamomile methanol and chloroform extracts have also shown strong activity against several strains of Arcobacter. An ethanolic extract of the entire plant has been reported to inhibit the growth of poliovirus and herpes virus. The volatile oil of chamomile also inhibited Bacillus subtilis in vitro. German chamomile esters and lactones showed activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium avium. Another in vitro study found that chamomile tea contains no flavonoids and are inactive against Bacillus cereus (strain RM3190) incubated at 21°C for 3, 15, 30, and 60 minutes. Chamazulene, alpha-bisabolol, flavonoids, and umbelliferone displayed antifungal properties against Trichophyton mentagrophytes and Trichophyton Rubrum .
Enkele wetenschappelijke onderzoeken
Wagner, H., Proksch, A., Riess-Maurer, I., Vollmar, A., Odenthal, S., Stuppner, H., Jurcic, K., Le Turdu, M., and Fang, J. N. [Immunostimulating action of polysaccharides (heteroglycans) from higher plants]. Arzneimittelforschung 1985;35(7):1069
Aggag, M. E. and Yousef, R. T. Study of antimicrobial activity of chamomile oil. Planta Med 1972;22(2):140-144.
Cinco M, Banfi E, Tubaro A, and et al. A microbiological survey on the activity of a hydroalcoholic extract of camomile. Int.J.Drug.Res. 1983;21(4):145-151.
Annuk, H., Hirmo, S., Turi, E., Mikelsaar, M., Arak, E., and Wadstrom, T. Effect on cell surface hydrophobicity and susceptibility of Helicobacter pylori to medicinal plant extracts. FEMS Microbiol.Lett. 3-1-1999;172(1):41-45. View Abstract
Turi, M., Turi, E., Koljalg, S., and Mikelsaar, M. Influence of aqueous extracts of medicinal plants on surface hydrophobicity of Escherichia coli strains of different origin. APMIS 1997;105(12):956-962.
Mahady, G. B., Pendland, S. L., Stoia, A., Hamill, F. A., Fabricant, D., Dietz, B. M., and Chadwick, L. R. In vitro susceptibility of Helicobacter pylori to botanical extracts used traditionally for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders. Phytother Res 2005;19(11):988-991.
Cervenka, L., Peskova, I., Foltynova, E., Pejchalova, M., Brozkova, I., and Vytrasova, J. Inhibitory effects of some spice and herb extracts against Arcobacter butzleri, A. cryaerophilus, and A. skirrowii. Curr Microbiol. 2006;53(5):435-439.
Friedman, M., Henika, P. R., Levin, C. E., Mandrell, R. E., and Kozukue, N. Antimicrobial activities of tea catechins and theaflavins and tea extracts against Bacillus cereus. J Food Prot. 2006;69(2):354-361.
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1 opmerking:
Mooie blog! Ik heb ook eens kamille gekweekt met de bedoeling thee er van te trekken, helaas kwam er allemaal luis is..
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